Piano Scales Free Videos

Please, enjoy a few of my FREE videos.
Absolutely anyone can open up the book Play Piano In All Keys Scales Only by Eva Martin Hollaus fingering charts and start playing all Major, harmonic, melodic and natural minor scales!

This is the book referenced in the video. I highly recommend it. There are no note reading skills required. Anyone can look at the hands and finger numbers and keys and note names diagram and start playing immediately. This book also teaches accurate traditional classical fingering; this way you know you cannot go wrong, even if you are preparing for a piano examination.

Purchase at: http://playpianoinallkeys.com/products-page/

And did I mention this book is still ON SALE, as of July 18, 2011!

Scales Charts Only, Play Piano In All Keys  by Eva Martin Hollaus,
ISBN: 978-1-935967-05-7; 44 pages; 8.5"x11" coil bound
Purchase at: http://playpianoinallkeys.com/products-page/
Take a look at the very easy instructions to get anyone started playing scales! You can watch the video right on this page:

Learning C Major scale one octave:

Be patient, it is not difficult, especially if you invest in the Play Piano In All Keys Scales Scales Only fingering charts. This book provides all 12 keys Major scales and harmonic, melodic and natural minor scales with accurate fingering.

After you have mastered one octave, you should immediately start playing two octaves:
Now, you have the very basic understanding on how to work through all scales in all twelve keys.

Get your copy of the Play Piano In All Keys Scales Only fingering charts today and start improving your scales immediately!   Purchase here:  http://playpianoinallkeys.com/products-page/

Learning scales could not be easier! Enjoy.